Journey of taste: Kalonji which strengthens the immune system is also a medicine along with the spice, know its interesting history

Journey of taste: Kalonji which strengthens the immune system is also a medicine along with the spice, know its interesting history


In some areas, kalonji is also known as black cumin.
Kalonji is used as a medicine along with being a spice.
Kalonji removes the problems of the nervous system.

Swad Ka Safarnama: Kalonji is a well known name in Indian kitchen. It will definitely be visible in the spice box. It adds flavor to food, adds color to pickles, and protects the body from many diseases due to the properties of the immune system. Actually it is a spice as well as a medicine. Kalonji is being used in various ways for thousands of years. You will be surprised that when there was an outbreak of Corona epidemic in the country, the doctors and experts associated with Unani medicine had advised to consume kalonji to prevent this disease.

Its shape is different from other spices

The shape and size of Kalonji (Nigella/Onion Seeds) is somewhat different. It looks like small black grains, but its shape is not round or flat but triangular and sharp from one side and round from the other side. It is pleasing to the eyes to see. In some areas it is also called black cumin. Apart from casseroles, curries and vegetables, it is used in pastries, it works wonders in pickles. Due to fennel also the pickle does not spoil for years. The special thing is that apart from spices, it also has the status of a medicine.

In Ayurveda, information about fennel seeds and its oil is found, then in Hadiths related to Islam, fennel seeds have been described as special. Information has been given that this black seed can cure every disease except death. This was the reason why when there was an outbreak of Corona epidemic in India, the doctors and experts associated with Unani medicine had advised to throw Kaloji (put a few grains in the mouth, chew and swallow with water).

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Queen Cleopatra got her beauty from this!

It is believed that Kalonji was first a wild plant, later seeing its properties it was included in farming. According to food historians, Kalonji is a plant grown in South West Asian countries including India, eastern coastal countries of the Mediterranean Sea and North African countries. On the other hand, Egyptian historians and archaeologists believe that Kalonji was first found 3000 thousand years ago in Tutankhamun’s tomb in Egypt. It is also said that the beauty secrets of the beautiful, mysterious and controversial Queen Cleopatra of Egypt were cosmetics made from fennel oil.

On the other hand Jeevan Singh Pruthi, who has made international recognition in the field of spice technology and founder director of India’s Agmark Lab, has given detailed information about fennel in his book ‘Spcices and Condiments’. They say that it is basically a wild plant and is also an Ayurvedic medicine and spice. They say that the eastern coastal area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea is the original place of Kalonji and it is widely cultivated in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar and Assam in India. Its demand is also very high.

pacifies vata and kapha

Food experts believe that fennel contains calcium, iron, zinc, copper, thiamin (a form of vitamin B that converts carbohydrates into energy), niacin (helps with digestion and nervous system), phosphorus (strengthens bones) and Folic acid (essential nutrient) is in sufficient quantity. According to government official and Ayurvedacharya Dr. RP Parashar, Ayurveda has considered kalonji and its oil beneficial for the body. This kalonji is bitter, pungent in taste, hot in effect, dry, vata and cough suppressant. It increases appetite, keeps the digestive system healthy and produces strength in the body. Its use provides relief from fever, loose motion, indigestion, vomiting etc.


Kalonji is used in many medicines of Ayurveda. Image-Canva

Kalonji powder and oil are used in many medicines of Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, mixing fennel seeds with honey sharpens the intellect. Disease like Alzheimer’s (forgetfulness) goes away. Consumption of its powder is considered helpful in preventing disorders of the nervous system.

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Beneficial in joint pain and swelling

On the other hand, food experts believe that kalonji is very helpful in controlling blood sugar level. It keeps the heart healthy by controlling the level of bad cholesterol in the body. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can treat various chronic inflammations. This can cause oil to build up between the joints. The minerals and vitamins found in it are also considered effective in asthma. Eating it regularly can reduce the increasing body weight. Kalonji does not have any side effects when consumed in moderate amounts. It is such in taste that it cannot be eaten in excess. But there is a possibility of messing up blood sugar by eating more.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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